BLADES2BUILD in University World News (UWN)
BLADES2BUILD in University World News (UWN) This time, BLADES2BUILD is mentioned in University World News (UWN) where the Universities participating…
BLADES2BUILD in University World News (UWN) This time, BLADES2BUILD is mentioned in University World News (UWN) where the Universities participating…
BLADES2BUILD in the spot of The Ministry of Higher Education & Science in Denmark The Ministry of Higher Education and…
BLADES2BUILD is going to Enlit Europe! Join us in Paris for 3 days of business, learning and networking. Learn more…
Holcim visiting Technical University of Denmark (DTU)! Victor Pacheco said: We continue working together in the project BLADES2BUILD creating circular…
BLADES2BUILD First Workshop The first BLADES2BUILD workshop about “Wind Energy Turbine Blade Recycling” in Turkey, was successfully performed with more…
BLADES2BUILD First Workshop in Turkey We are pleased to announce that the first BLADES2BUILD Workshop, “Wind Energy Turbine Blade Recycling”, will…
BLADES2BUILD presented in the 3rd Internal Polymer Process Innovation Conference (PPI) Our partner, National Technical University of Athens, and R-NanoLab…
BLADES2BUILD is included in the innovation map of CEMBUREAU We are happy to share that BLADES2BUILD is included in the…
ACCIONA visiting DTU – Technical University of Denmark! On Monday, 18 September 2023, DTU was visited by Anurag Bansal from…
BLADES2BUILD visiting Norwegian Polymers & Composites Conference 2023 Our partner Global Consulting Sustainability AS attended the Norwegian Polymers & Composites…
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